Right Form of Verb


Right Form of Verb

According to 

1.    Present.               2. Past.            3. V.P.P.

i) pre. In.                                         i) past In.  

ii) pre. Con.                                    ii) past con.

iii) pre. Per.                                     Iii) past per.

iv) pre. Per. Con                             iv) past per. Con.

i) pre. In.

1. always, usually, regularly, generally, normally, occasionally, naturally, daily, sometimes, often, now and than, seldom ইত্যাদি word যুক্ত কোন sentence ‍সবসময় pre. In.  হয়

2. Pre. In. tense এর sentence টির subject 3rd person singular number হলে মূল v এর সাথে “s” “es” যুক্ত হয়

3. Universal truth, Habitual fact, scientific truth sentence গুলো pre. In. tense হয়

4. pre. In/ pre per + since + past In.

5. pre. In + as through/ as if + past In.

6. modal auxiliary + v1

7. To + v1

8. had better, had rather, would rather, would rather, let, must, need, dare + v1

9. If + pre. In. tense = Future In.

10. Let + v1

11. is the time/ is the day when/ is the year when ইত্যাদি দিয়ে কোন sentence শুরু হলে sub এর পর v1 হয়

ii) pre. Con:

1.     Am, is, are + v1+ing

2.     Now, right now, at present, tonight, at this time, at this moment, day by day, day after day, gradually, increasingly এই ধরনের word বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত হলে বা থাকলে pre. Con. tense হয়

iii) Pre. Per:

1.     Have/ Has +v3

2.     Just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently, + Pre. Per.

3.     Present/ future In. tense + when+ Pre. Per. tense

4.     যে কাজ করা হয়েছে কিন্তু সময় উল্লেখ নেই, সেক্ষে্ত্রে যদি কাজটির ফলাফল বর্তমান থাকে তবে Pre. Per tense হবে

iv) Pre. Per. Con:

1.     কোন কাজ পূর্বে শুরু হয়ে এখনও চলছে এরুপ বুঝায় তাহলে Pre, Per. Con. tense হয় এক্ষেত্রে sentense টিতে since/for ‍উল্লেখ থাকে

2.     Pre. Per. Con. + since/for + time

2. Past Tense:

            i)    Past In.

            ii)   Past con.

            iii)  Past per.

            iv)  Past per. con.

i) Past In:

1. Sentence অতীত সময় নির্দেশক শব্দ – yesterday, ago, since, one day, the previous day,  the day,  before yesterday, the last day, last night, last night/time/weak/month/year/century etc. ইত্যাদি থাকলে sentence টি past in. tense হয়

 2. past In + since + past per.

 3. past per. + before + past In

 4. past In. + after + past per.

 5. I is high time, it is time, wish, fancy, ইত্যাদি থাকলে বাক্যটির verb এর past formহয়

 6. if +  past In. = past conditional ( sub.+ would/could/might + v1+ …….)

7. As though, as if, wish থাকলে এদের পরের verb টির past form হয় এবং to be verbএর  জায়গায় সবসময় were হয়

8. past In. + as though/ as if + Past per.

9. Sentence অতীত কালের কোন ঘটনা নির্দেশ করলে verb সবসময় past tense হয়

10. When + past In. tense = past con. tense.

11. Present tense + since + Past In.

ii) Past con:

1.   Was/ were +v1+ing

2.   While + v1+ing/ While + sub. + past con.

3.   অতীত কালে চলমান কোন কাজ বুঝাতে past con. tense হয়

Note: এক্ষেত্রে বাক্যে at the time, at that time, then ইত্যাদি word থাকতে পারে

iii) Past Per.:

1.     Had + v3

2.     No sooner had + Sub + v3 + …… + than + past In / scarcely had + Sub + v3 + …… + when + past In / hardly had + Sub + v3 + …… + when + past In

3.     Past per + before + past In.

4.     Past In. + after + past per.

iv) Past Per. Con. :

1.     Past per. con + since/ for + time

V.P.P Form

1.     Let + be + v3

2.     Sub + get/ have/ want/ be + v3

3.     Being/ having / to be, get / remain / become / have / has / had + v3

4.     If + past per. = per. conditional ( sub + would have/ could have / might have + v3+ ………)

5.     Passive voice Sub + H.V. + v3 + ……/ Sub+H.V.+ be, been, being + v3 + ……..


1.     2nd verb + ing

2.     Preposition + ing

3.     Look forward to, with a view to, addicted to, used to, prefer to, object to, confess to, mind, worth, without, past, can not help, could not help, would you mind get used to + v1 +  ing

4.     Would that + Could


1.     Sing. Sub  =  Sing. V

2.     Plu. Sub  =  Plu. V

3.     Sub + preposition + …………+  =  Verb


4.     The + adj.  =  Plu. V

5.     Sub.(N / Pro.N) + and + Sub. (N / Pro.N) = Plu. V

6.     Sub + and + not/no + Sub = Verb

7.     The Sing.N + and + Sing.N = Sing. V

8.     The + Sing.N + and + The Sing.N = Plu.V

9.     Each, Every, Any, No, More than one, None/No one, + Sing.N / Pro.N.  =  Sing. V

10.  Each of, One of, Either of , Neither of + Plu. N.  =  Sing. V

11.  Not only +   1st Sub    + but also + 2ne Sub  ,  1st Sub + Or + 2nd Sub ,  1st Sub + Nor+ 2nd Sub , Either + 1st Sub  + or + 2ne Sub ,   Neither + 1st Sub  + nor + 2ne Sub যুক্ত বাক্যের 2nd Sub অনুযায়ী Verb হয়

12.  1st Sub  + With, together with, as well as, along with, in addition to, accompanied by +2nd Sub  = 1st Sub  অনুযায়ী Verb হয়

13.  There + V + Noun

14.  Collective. N. = Sing.V

15.  N/Pro.N + R.Pro.N. = Verb

16.  Many a/an + Sing.N =  sing. V.

17.  একক, দূরত্ব, পরিমান, সময়,  ওজন, বয়স, অর্থা = ‍Sing. V.

18.  Infinitive, Gerund, Participle, Clause (used as a subject) = Sing. V.

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